Turtle Speed Skating Race!

What It Is And What It Does

For this CSAI Christmas project, I decided to make a cool speed skating race! It’s includes some of the stuff used in my other turtle race I made a bit ago except well… THIS IS A LOT BETTER! I added many more cool features such as the big Olympic symbol, background changes, and to top it all off, it’s completely random for who the winner is. I really enjoyed this and am excited on how it turned out. Now if you’re wondering how to make this yourself, let me explain (For importing, import the turtle and import random, don’t use speed, the race is based of random). First, the turtle makes the outside outline of the track and then makes the inside outline of the track, making the area in between for the 2 racers that they’ll be in during them skating around the track. After that, I imported the two turtles, MrDembo and Steven, who we’re gonna be the two racers, and I spawned them and made them goto the starting line, which was set at xcor 0 and the ycor ranging downward at the start of the -100s (Specifically, Steven was at 0, -128 and MrDembo was at 0, -113). Then I used the command: print, which had cool context, representing announcers for the race. And then to make it extra cool, I made the Olympic symbol right in the center of the track. When that was done, I started the race, and basically I had the 2 racers during when they’d go around the corners turn the same amount as the turtle making the track did at the beginning. And in between of the corner turns, I did the random distance, for i in range, command to for which a new turtle could every time possibly retake the lead, or keep it (like I said, the race winner is completely random). And in the end, I had the turtles pretty much do that for the whole race (I also added more print command’s when a new lap was beginning, saying context to make the race a bit more intensifying, saying Who would win? Or that It all comes down to this!). So ya, that’s basically my code! This code took lots of patience (as something would always get messed up in the code), it took lot of measuring (For example: the Olympic symbol I had to perfectly centered on both sides, which took awhile), and this took a lot of revising (In the end, the code took over 2 hours, it’s around 200 lines long, and not to mention I redid this after it not working before, which also took a lot of my time).

My Code

Here is all the code for my project (Here’s a link to it too: SPEED SKATING RACE):

In the end, that is my Turtle Speed Skating Race (Here’s another link just in case you missed the last one: SPEED SKATING RACE). Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have making it for you readers. And as always, I’ll blog to ya later! 🙂

My Python Turtle Maze!

What It Is And How It Works:

My python Turtle Maze is a project I did where the turtle solves the maze every time and the maze changes every time. Now you’re probably wondering: How does this work? How do you even do this? Well, it’s very complicated to say, but I’ll explain it and summarize it in the least confusing way possible.

To start off, for every black line, there’s a specific name given to it. Each black line represents a little part of the big maze. So, as you can see in the picture, the name of the first black line at the very top is named ”r1”. I made the turtle always go the same distance as r1 and a little bit more. I did the because if it were to turn right, right after that, it would bump into the last part of r1, so it needs to go a bit more forward (for me I did 10 forward). After all of that, I made the turtle turn right 90 (so it could be down towards the other patch of lines) and then go to a coordinate on the second line that didn’t touch or go through any of the walls. For the next line, which name is ”t1”, I did the same thing except since the name of this line is named t1, I told the code to go the same amount of distance forward as t1, then a little bit more. To give a bit more of an understanding, the names r(number) and t(number) switch every time, per line, and the numbers go up for their variable. They’re both not combined. For example, r1, then t1, then r2, then t2, the number keeps going up and the 2 variables keep repeating until the turtle has reached the end of the maze. Otherwise, besides those 2 variables and them switching off, I did the same repetitive code for the rest of it until the end of the maze is reached (go forward the same amount line is, go forward a bit more, turn right 90, and go to a coordinate located on the next line down below that doesn’t touch or go through any walls of the maze). Also for fun, I did a victory circle when the turtle reaches the end.

The Code For It:

If you’re still confused on how this works, here is all the code (And here’s the link: TURTLE MAZE):

In conclusion, that is my Python Turtle Race and How It Works! (Just in case, here’s another like to the maze: TURTLE MAZE). In the end, I hope you enjoyed reading this, and as always: I’ll blog to ya later! 🙂

My Python Turtle Race!

What Is It? What Does It Do?

The project shown above is my Python project made from Repl.it (A python coding website) and is the making of a turtle race. To make it fun, a new one of the turtles win every time, as it is all random. Now your probably wondering, how do you make this code? Well, let me explain! First, I used a separate turtle to draw the outline of the base by making a big square with the repeat code ( for i in range(): ) around and another line in the square of where the finish is. Then I created the turtles using commands ( ”Name” = turtle.Turtle() ). Then I exported them to positions at the left side of the big square race track (did it by code: ”Name’.goto(x coordinate, y coordinate”). I would then put the pen down/pd (because when lining up to their positions I had it pen up/pu). Anyways, to then make them go a random distance, I would use the code: ”name”.forward(random.randint(min,max)). The basic message was to tell the turtle to go forward a random integer within a random distance between 1-5 and then repeat that 70 times (because at 70 times would be the exact place of where my finish line was located). Then, when one of the turtles crossed the finish line, the others stopped. To show to the one who won, it would go in a victory circle 2 times (Each turtle for this big chunk of commands is listed below). So that’s the explanation of how I made my code and what is was! Here is the code listed below (It’s put into all separate parts to explain every big part):

The code for the importing of the turtle, the importing of the random (the random is there to help make the turtles during the race go a random distance a repetitive amount of times), the turtle creating the track, and the turtle making the finish line.
The first section is the creating the the soon-to-be racing turtles and explaining that there turtles. And the 2nd section is saying which color line for every turtle their having.
This chunk of code tells all the created turtles to bring their pen up and to stop drawing lines for every place and everywhere they go. Then they are all exported and brought to a specific coordinate, which is their starting places for the race. Then as they get to their specific coordinates, they are then told to bring their pen’s back down and to now make a line for everywhere they go again.
(The code above is 2 images) The last big part of the code explains for each of the turtles during the race occurring to move a certain number (integer) forward 1-5, 70 repeated times. Then as one of the random turtles finish first, the others are told to stop, including the one that finished in first place. The first place winner then signals and shows off his victory by pulling of a victory circle twice.
Big pic/ w some of my code to the left, and the results to the right of my total code.

In conclusion, that is what my project and my code is on my Python Turtle Race! If you want to see the code to this project and try it out yourself, here is the hyperlink to the code: RACE HERE! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope you have a great day. And as always, I’m Steven and I’ll blog to ya later!

My Turtle Art Inspiration Project!

For CSAI, we had to make a Turtle Art Inspiration Project and I chose a project called eyes (as you guessed, it’s a code of the turtle art-making 2 eyes). The eye project by Turtle Art looked like this:

(More info on this below) And my project looked like this:

My Name In Turtle Art!

For CSAI, after having a lot of practice in Turtle Art coding, I created my name! Here is the code if you like to know how to do it:

The code got a bit too long, (actually way too long) so I just used action and start blocks to shorten it down:

And here is my final outcome:

If you’d like to know how to do this or what goes behind this code, just ask me via email or in the comments and I would be happy to make an extra blog to explain! As always, thanks for looking at this blog and I’ll blog to ya later!

My Turtle Art Project!

For my turtle art project, I created a 4 shape maker where the turtle makes enough twists and turns to create 4 different shapes. These shapes are a circle, triangle, square, and rectangle). If you’re wondering what turtle art is, it’s basically a website where you use hundreds of code blocks to control where a little turtle avatar goes (it’s a little bit like scratch, if you know what that is). It’s a really cool app and you can do several different projects. It’s awesome to play, so if you haven’t played it, I would recommenced you try it!

How I Created This Project:

So to start, to make a triangle you have to go straight and then you must remember to turn and then repeat going forward a certain place in degrees, like in real life (this applies for every shape). So after going forward, you then turn a bit to the right if you’re starting at the left side. If you are starting the triangle at the left side, you then turn the opposite way to the right. So for the certain degree, you must go while the line from the turtle’s direction is going up, towards the very middle, and then you must turn back to the other side of the triangle to align with here you started. Then you will have successfully created a triangle. Now I bet it sounds very complicated for you, but once you even get a little bit of practice, you’ll be a pro at it. Now how to make the square couldn’t be simpler. First you head straight and then turn left or right and repeat until you’ve made it back to where you started. Then you will have successfully created a square! Below, I will explain how to make a triangle and rectangle!

More On How I Created This Project:

The circle not as hard and complicated as it seems. First, you must get a repeat block and have it repeat 360 times, the exact degrees of a circle. Then, you must put in the repeat block a forward and a right block, and each of them should be 1. That’ll make a circle. Now to explain more, every 1 degrees forward and turning right it has 1/360 of curve of a circle. But since the repeat goes on 360 times, it’ll make a full circle. You get it? Now anyways, on to the last and final shape, the rectangle. Now this is a bit similar to the square. I will demonstrate by starting on the width, not the length. You first go forward however long you want it. Just make sure it’s long enough to be shown and considered a rectangle. Then you turn left or right, whichever way you’re going. You then go straight and repeat again, and will then get to the start of the rectangle. There you have a rectangle and the other 3 shapes, a square, triangle, and a circle!

In conclusion, that is how I made my turtle art 4 shape project! For more information and help if you are still confused on how to do the 4 shape project, here is the exact link to the code and how I did it: https://turtle.sugarlabs.org/index.html?id=1598979908643928&run=True

Now once again, I hope you enjoyed this and I’ll blog to you later!

My All About Me Post!

Hello there! My name is Steve Bozue II and today I will tell you all about me and my life (so far). I am 12 years old and I currently live in Yorkville, Illinois. I am the eldest of my two siblings, Jacob and Madison, and have two awesome parents that are really great people. To continue, for school, I go to a private school called Quest Academy which is located in Palatine, Illinois. It’s a really fun school and if you don’t go there, I really recommend you do. It’s awesome, considering the fact that in this one class called CSAI (computer science artificial intelligence), we work on micro-bits, robotics, and all that really cool science stuff. It’s amazing. Anyways, I would now like to share and show you some of my hobbies and more about me and my life!


So to start, I have had a lot of crazy things happen in my life that a lot of people haven’t ever had happened, like for example, I’ve been on the news live on television, I’ve also been in a newspaper, and I’ve met a lot of famous people, including Patrick Kane, Ben Zobrist, Jonathan Toews, etc. And as I grow up, I have many things I want to accomplish and goals to complete. Like for example, I want to see the world, as I’m very interested in the world and what it has to offer! There is so much cool stuff to see and to do. This world is amazing and I want to see all of it and its history and the cool monuments and statues of famous people. Some monuments I want to see are The Great Wall of China and The Colosseum in Italy.


For sports, I really like to play hockey. I’ve been skating for over 8 years, but I’ve been playing the hockey for 6 years. For positions, I have always played center and I currently play for the Hawks (not the Blackhawks). Over the course of playing, I’ve won many trophies and medals from lots of tournaments. One memorable win is when my team won the Northern Illinois Hockey League championship for our division. I scored the overtime goal to win the game and was named the MVP. Speaking about hockey, my favorite NHL team is the Blackhawks and my favorite player is Patrick Kane, who’s position is right wing.

In the end, that is basically all about me. I hope you had fun reading this, and I’ll blog to you later!